Getting Started in Coding

We are about to start something awesome!!


Go to and sign up as a student.

(or put into Google, studio code)


Period 4

Join in this section by clicking the link below

Period 2

Join in this section by putting into this into your address bar.


Need help?  First ask the people beside you and see if they can make it happen for you.  If not, hand up.

Safety Poster

As an alternative to attending the PARTY Program at the hospital, you will complete the following assignment. Use your time wisely.


Create an advertising poster that is targeted at teens to prevent risk related behaviors or that promotes safety practices. Example- Always wear a helmet when riding a quad. Always wear a life jacket when boating, etc.  Create in Word and post to your own site.

–must include a ‘slogan’, simple pictures, and a link to two websites that provide more information, support or awareness.  Also, include at least one true statistic that relates to the topic you are doing and give the source website where you found it. 


**If you attended the Party Program you do not need to complete this assignment.**


Goal Setting

Setting goals is important to know what you want in life, what is important to you and how you will get there.  You can have small, short-term goals and you can have the “Dream Big” goals.

Remember this video…

DUMB Goals


Your task…

Complete this goal setting activity and post to your site.

