The Last Post

Well, congrats on making it to the end of the course. You have been learning all about what the next steps are in high school, college or university, jobs, careers and life.  Your last tasks for the course are below…

1 – Tell me 5 things about Constable Green’s Presentation on Social Media

2 – Tell me 5 things about Constable Green’s Presentation on Drugs

3 – Tell me 5 things about Kyla’s talk on Pregnancy and Childbirth

4- Tell me 5 things about Self-Care as presented by Sandra

5 – Tell me 5 thins about Kyla’s talk about the Stages of Puberty

6- Create a new page and describe your 3 best assignments, 3 best presenters, and your least fave part of the entire course.  Also, tell me how the course could have been better (if at all possible).

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