Health Topic Assignment

Select a health topic that your are interested in learning more about. Some ideas include:  Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, Stress, Sleep, Mental Health, Anxiety, Depression, or a related topic of your choice.

Your job is to research the topic and find out information related to the following –

  1. Description of the topic – What are the main points about this issue. Describe what it is, what the symptoms are and how it relates to teens.
  2. Causes of the health topic – How does it happen?
  3. Identify the reason why this is a problem for teens.
  4. Identify solutions for teens with this problem.
  5. Give places teens can go for support with this problem – Minimum 3
  6. Other information that is related and important

Decide on a way that you can put all the information you have found together to be able to share it with others. This may be a booklet, a handout, a poster, brochure or a part of your website and create it.  You only have Tuesday and Wednesday to work on this.  Include the information, graphics and something that will make your work memorable. Perhaps a unique story or comic that is related to the topic.

This project is completed individually, though you may work with someone in doing research on the same topic and share information.

Your finished project will give useful information that is usable by teens and be easily read.  Enjoy!