The Last Post

Well, congrats on making it to the end of the course. You have been learning all about what the next steps are in high school, college or university, jobs, careers and life.  Your last tasks for the course are below…

1 – Tell me 5 things about Constable Green’s Presentation on Social Media

2 – Tell me 5 things about Constable Green’s Presentation on Drugs

3 – Tell me 5 things about Kyla’s talk on Pregnancy and Childbirth

4- Tell me 5 things about Self-Care as presented by Sandra

5 – Tell me 5 thins about Kyla’s talk about the Stages of Puberty

6- Create a new page and describe your 3 best assignments, 3 best presenters, and your least fave part of the entire course.  Also, tell me how the course could have been better (if at all possible).

Mic Drop


Tuesday Jan 16

Today we have a guest in to speak with us about Suicide and prevention. It is an incredibly important topic for everyone, especially youth.  Please make every effort to be in on Tuesday.

Once the presentation is over your job is to post 10 things that you learned, heard, seen, talked about or other information that was part of the talk. Post them to your site.

Thank you!

$30 000

This year you will make exactly $30 000 in take home income.

  1. Brainstorm all of the ways you will spend your money to live for 1 year.
  2. Sort the items from number 1 into Fixed Expenses, Flexible Needs, and Flexible wants.
  3. Give a dollar value to each item. Be as concise as possible.
  4. Calculate if you will be able to afford your lifestyle with the money you will earn.
  5. Decide how you can either spend your extra money or cut out expenses (spending).
  6. Create a final budget for your $30 000.
  7. Post


Click above to view the nutrition assignment that began on Tuesday January 2nd.

You will have Wednesday to complete the work then you must post it to your site, even if you are not done.

Continue to work on the assignment for homework and then post again once you have completed it.


CNC Response

Thursday Nov 23

Today we had Dan and Leah from CNC come and tell us all about the programs offered at CNC.  I know that you are all as excited to go to CNC as I am for you so…

Post to your site, your TOP 5 THINGS THAT MAKES CNC AMAZING 

Remember, you can use your Pro-D days, days off during exam week or any other day to go to CNC and be a student for a day.  Do this as often as you like to find out what is the right career path for you.  Contact Dan or Leah at CNC to make arrangements.


CNC Link