
Check here to see the assignments we have done in class.  Most, if not all, will be posted here. If you are absent, check here to see what we were up to while you were away.


Nov 28

Begin Preparing for the JOB INTERVIEW

Job Interview Handbook.pdfk0-n

interview role play assignment.pdf0


Create a Cover Letter

Step 1 – Find a real posted job that you are interested in applying to

Step 2 – Create a cover letter to use to apply to that specific job.


Cover Letter Handbook

Sample cover letter

Create a resume… see the following info

Types of Resumes and Helpers

Resume guidebook shorter version

Resume Assignment

Nov 22

Career Research Project Due



October 26th

Post-Secondary Research Project

Post-Sec Research Project

Post Secondary Vocab

university vocab


Tuesday, October 17

University and College Scavenger Hunt

Wednesday, October 11


Tuesday, October 10

Last day to work on your Values in Song project.  If you haven’t finished, you must spend some of your own time working on this and post it to your website. 

Also, make sure you have all your work posted to your site!!  Look at the side bar on the home page to see what you should have posted by now. Have a friend check it out too to make sure it all works.  If you need help, ask.

Monday, October 2

2 Tasks today

1- Thinking about the time we spent with Sara last week learning about Finances, Budgeting, Networking and the games we played, create a page on your website and list 5 things you loved, enjoyed, or were interesting to you.  Also, add 1 or 2 things that you didn’t like or would have changed.

2 – Complete the People, Data, Things, Ideas Assessments (handout from class) and post your Summary to a new page on your site.


Friday, September 15

Watch the awesome film “The Bucket List” and complete this worksheet. Post to your site.



Thursday, September 14

Goal Setting Notes – goal-setting-steps

Goal Setting Response – goals

PERSONAL REFLECTIONS–Answer all of the prompts and post to your site.

My Paper Person–assessment sheet, fill-in and hand in to Mrs. Switzer

Paper Person–response sheet – post to your site

speed meeting  

Speed Meeting questions Speed Meeting

